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i kinda feel disgusting about myself when someone proves me wrong in a really harsh way

doggochan December 27, 2017 12:22 pm

i kinda feel disgusting about myself when someone proves me wrong in a really harsh way

    doggochan December 27, 2017 12:25 pm

    so when you see a comment that kinda goes in a wrong way try to prove that person wrong nicely and avoid using harsh words that might affect their views on themselves. im not saying this for my own good but some people get affected easily with words

    Anonymous December 27, 2017 1:04 pm

    I can relate since I've had experience on both sides. That's why it's important to analyze the content before making any critical thinking. It's harsh but I also deserve it. It's also frustrating when you can't back up yourself because you're obliviously wrong. lol

    doggochan December 27, 2017 2:02 pm
    I can relate since I've had experience on both sides. That's why it's important to analyze the content before making any critical thinking. It's harsh but I also deserve it. It's also frustrating when you can't... @Anonymous

    i mean if anyone sees someone saying something wrong shouldnt they ask them why they think that way? and talk with them like normal respectful human beings? its not that hard and yeah youre right like ... i wouldnt know what to say it would be so shameful

    merle December 27, 2017 7:47 pm
    i mean if anyone sees someone saying something wrong shouldnt they ask them why they think that way? and talk with them like normal respectful human beings? its not that hard and yeah youre right like ... i wou... doggochan

    I agree to some extent, but some people just get really riled up especially when it feels like a personal attack or affects one emotionally. I had a person in my class say that mentally ill people shouldn't have kids in her opinion and I honestly wanted to knock her teeth out because I have two parents who are mentally ill and have been doing their best. And sometimes, hate to say it, but its just not our job to go out of our way to understand someone - it's the work of the actual person with the opinion, who should understand that sometimes their opinions can be hurtful or shitty - that should go out of their way to explain their view or take the consequence of being scorned for it.

    I love civility, but I also get why some of us can't do it. I'm reminded of those 'punching nazi' videos for one. Or the fact that in some countries gay people get whipped and people think that's ok. I'm sorry to bring up such strong examples, but there are some situations where it's like people don't deserve my respect if they believe in these sort of things you know?

    But it's a different instance when we're talking about pineapple on pizza or personal preferences like chocolate or vanilla ice cream. It's more like something which can affect us emotionally that jostle people's nerves. I'm sorry you feel that way, I also did at first, but sometimes you just have to stay strong and realize this might happen a lot where you and others can't reach an impasse and that's totally ok. Move on. There's a block button! Have you tried to look at their perspective as well? Or maybe they're just being hard on you, and I say just forget about those people, they're not worth it.

    doggochan December 27, 2017 9:56 pm
    I agree to some extent, but some people just get really riled up especially when it feels like a personal attack or affects one emotionally. I had a person in my class say that mentally ill people shouldn't hav... merle

    Ahhh!!! I really liked your speech it was great and it made sense but for example in my case, what I said wasn't really an opinion? Maybe I was kinda pointing a flaw on some people on this website which is how they don't support rape in real life but when it's portrayed in art they are totally fine with it??? which is not okay??

    Then I had someone harshly telling me I'm a hypocrite for being on this website too and MAN IDEK WHAT THEY MEANT IT KINDA SOUNDED IRRELEVANT but it did hurt me so yeah.

    I know I should be stronger because in the future I might hear worse criticism that might affect me but I feel like I can't help it:'))))