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This was a very realistic story...

LaMarquise December 27, 2017 8:28 pm

so fucked up with death and loss and political struggles...I loved both TJ and Shino..Shino is a sweetheart, I'm not sure he's made for such a viloent world but I really liked how realistic his character was..He's not a superhero, just a good man.
As fo Shiki, I really liked him.. at first.. when he was with Keigo...Then I discovered the whole cheating thing and I didn't like him anymore.. Lots of people choose to have open relationships instead of monogamy, but that something you TALK about first, and then, if your partner is okay with it, then to each their own. I felt bad for Keigo, I hated how irresponsible Shiki was, I hated that he only ended up with Keigo because Major died, And I especially hated that he didn't attend Major's funeral, and just a few hours later he was asking about shino's sex life and laughing about it as if nothing happened!! Fucking awful!!
Speaking of Major , he was a really nice guy <3 I loved him, he definitely deserved better that Shiki.
And about Habu, do you think he's the same 18 year old boy who killed his mother when he was younger? he was crippled but they said that with surgery he would be able to walk normally.
