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The manhwa seems to be on the home page more than manga these days. It's not that i hate ...

Vash December 28, 2017 9:53 am

The manhwa seems to be on the home page more than manga these days. It's not that i hate manhwa, i just prefer manga, and i think it's harder to search for recommended manga nowadays , knowing that manhwas already took all place in the top 5,popular, recently updated, and recommendation :( i dont hate manhwas, i just, can't adapt to the new world of mangago :(

    Bitch Puddin' December 28, 2017 9:58 am


    Vash December 28, 2017 10:15 am
    *manhwago @Bitch Puddin'

    The future version of this page :') . Sounds sarcastic af

    BTS is lyf December 28, 2017 10:33 am

    Because manhwa is better in every aspect obviously. Unique and dark plot, good character development, stunning art they have it all. Compared to manga with mainstream plot and mediocre art at best. People knows which one more interesting that is why manhwa is more famous now, there is reason

    shokupan December 28, 2017 10:46 am
    Because manhwa is better in every aspect obviously. Unique and dark plot, good character development, stunning art they have it all. Compared to manga with mainstream plot and mediocre art at best. People knows... BTS is lyf

    boiii you're kidding right??? I don't mind if people prefer korean webtoon over manga but there are more good manga than good korean webtoon. I hope you're just trolling have a good day sir

    maneimizstokein December 28, 2017 11:00 am

    Manhwa is really good both plot and art wise but somehow I really prefer manga. I guess it's because the sex scenes are sexier (most manhwas contains bdsm and I'm not really fond of that) and fluffier. It's just a matter of preference in the end I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ And I'm also having a hard time to find a decent manga lately cries

    Kitsune Scarlet December 28, 2017 11:49 am
    Because manhwa is better in every aspect obviously. Unique and dark plot, good character development, stunning art they have it all. Compared to manga with mainstream plot and mediocre art at best. People knows... BTS is lyf

    Uhhm no? I admit there are some manhwa that are way better than some weird mainstream plot manga but don't act like there's only trash manga out there, wth? I've read manga with amazing plots and awesome character development and it's not like all the manhwas out there are unique and have good character development like seriously, I've also seen many mainstream manhwa with mediocre art. I mean to each their own but yeah, I also hope you're just a troll? Well anyway, hope you have a swell day. ¯` _(ツ)_/¯

    Vash December 28, 2017 12:40 pm

    I don't know which one of you to reply, but lyk dis... Dis is a manga page, originally. A manga page that are top in its yaoi genre. But now, i rarely see any manga in the home page. Not only in yaoi genre, but even in shoujo, yuri, and such

    Kitsune Scarlet December 28, 2017 1:24 pm

    Hmn guess you're right…it hasn't bothered me that much since I usually don't really go there to look for new manga but if I think about it like that it certainly is kind of…strange?
    Sadly I also have no idea what could be done about it since manhwa are pretty popular atm and mangago mostly recommends the current most popular "manga". I just hope they're gonna show us more manga there again in the future. :/