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Himeowchama December 30, 2017 4:40 pm

Ok so yaoi about this guy is referred to as the devil something bc he doesnt reciprocate anyone's feelings when a lot of people are attracted to him. He's the boss of the compamy. Then there's this guy who wad transferred tk the other branch bc he had issues with his former branch. There was this girl from the former branch that liked the guy who transferred and confessed to him. He declined bc he's not up for loving another person yet. The girl wanted a legitimate reason for saying no so he her that she came to like the demon boss. The girl doesnt believe it so he confessed to the boss while the girl was hiding around the bushes. The demon boss said yes and the guy was surprised. They started dating. Soon after, the guy fell seriously in love with the boss and couldnt take it anymore so he wanted to come clean, with the girl. The girl was regretful and when she noticed that there really are feelings involved, she bid goodbye and the guy went after her and offered her to accompany to the station. The girl told him to go and chase his boss bc they loved each other or smth.
