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I'm not sure about this one...

Mameiha December 31, 2017 12:02 am

The art and plot are appealing and interesting, but the characters and writing left me feeling confused and apathetic. The dialogue and exposition were choppy felt like listening to a child tell a story from memory. "And then there was this guy, I can't remember his name and he did this thing that was really cool but I can't describe it and they went to this place, I can't remember where but the story was SO cool!" I'm not sure if this was a situation of "lost in translation" or if the mangaka's skills as a storyteller are just not mature enough. The characters were equally confusing. I get that when a character does something that is opposite to their personality, it's considered cute and attractive, but when the character constantly contradicts themselves or constantly does things contrary to their personality, they stop being cute and become unreliable and untrustworthy. This is how I felt about both Takao and Yuzuru. Distrust is a stepping stone to dislike. I couldn't bring myself to like either character because I found them unreliably written. Overall, the story isn't bad if you're not a picky reader. I happen to be a very picky reader.
