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It's incredible there is a sequel !!! I just hope we end up getting a confession and or if...

Deenight January 1, 2018 5:46 am

It's incredible there is a sequel !!! I just hope we end up getting a confession and or if possible a kiss :,( I'll feel so sad if it doesn't happen... lol maybe I'm asking for too much

    Random Person February 20, 2018 4:29 am

    We're probably not going to get a confession. Historically, Sugiura-sensei's shounen-ai works don't have one (in the sense that people normally think of when someone says confession), but the two main leads end up living together.

    I'd love it if the pattern is broken, sure, but this work is so much shorter than a couple of her other works and I'd prefer it if those got confessions instead tbh.