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I think that kid from chapter 5 is related to the man in chapter 6. That's why the seme on...

Anonymous January 1, 2018 9:05 am

I think that kid from chapter 5 is related to the man in chapter 6. That's why the seme on chapter 5 felt like the uke has some "experiences" on pleasure like he's used to it. And he did say he came from far away. He's probably one of the "trained animals" but he luckily got escaped. Just a guess though. I just noticed that the characters are all somehow related from one another from all the chapters so... I kind of think there's a connection.
Just a guess though hehe

    jeideu.chung January 12, 2018 2:53 am

    Wow, that's such a great theory! It makes sense too. Imagine if those people were beating him up because he had run away from his master, or they knew what he really was...