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it's kind of funny for me even though it should'nt be xD ! Everytime I find french words i...

SacAMain January 1, 2018 6:22 pm

it's kind of funny for me even though it should'nt be xD ! Everytime I find french words in a manga there are always some mistakes which make me smile even though the characters talk about something serious ... it's funny but I "get out" of the story every time ... can't really feel it happens in France when the protagonist doesn't speak well :S

    sangrientaluna January 1, 2018 6:44 pm

    Place doesn't feel anywhere France to me actually. Just usual flamboyant 19th century west inspired manga. However I came across some good western inspired mangas I've never seen online in Fnac at arrondissement#1 Paris. However I've only stood in France for 2.5 months haha