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Need Help ... In Search Of A Certain Yaoi!

Emma January 4, 2018 9:00 pm


I've been looking for a particular yaoi that I read about a year ago but I can't seem to find it no matter how hard I try. Was it delete or is it just very well hidden? I wonder...

That's why I need your help to find it please ( ̄∇ ̄")

I remember the story being about two brothers who had a father that would be very violent towards them and their mother. The older brother managed to get himself and his brother out of this mess but he turned out to be very violent as well with his brother.
The story kind of repeats itself 'cause the older brother becomes like his father and the younger one like his mother.
Now there was a third character who was a cousin I think, he was very concerned with the unhealthy relationship between the brothers (insest, violent sexplays and so on) ...

I remember it being a interesting manga, so if you get a chance you definitely should read it ... considering you find it!

If the story reminds you of something please tell me, I'd love to read it again.

Thank you in advance

PS: sorry for the few grammar and orthographic mistakes, english isn't my birth language
