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TBH, Keiichi....

hunterx2 January 4, 2018 10:43 pm

is a disappointing character who has shown negative growth over the course of this series. All of the growth that they've given Shingo as a character suffers the longer Keiichi remains. Keiichi can do whatever he wants and there's no change and no consequences for him. Whenever they have a problem, it always ends up coming back to someone else. That or Keiichi says "k sory" then does it again or blames it on his love. That's why all of Keiichi and Shingo scenes together have been boiled down to "Keiichi initiates sex" and "Keiichi is jealous of everyone in Shingo's vicinity". I'm still disappointed he and Shingo didn't get into a fight over the pain he purposefully caused Rio because he was jealous.

Keiichi better not make my baby Rio cry again or is gonna catch these hands.

    h January 5, 2018 1:47 am

    I agree with everything you've said!

    Nyxmeow January 5, 2018 9:28 am

    I think I'm in the minority, but I feel like the scene with Rio really needed to happen. (I find him super annoying, but that's not why.) Everyone constantly indulges him, including Shingo. Someone seriously had to teach the kid that he can't always have what he wants - it doesn't seem like his dad was ever going to do it. People don't belong to you just because you want them to. And we don't want Rio to turn out like Keiichi, do we?? Because I agree with what you say about him. Keiichi is devolving into nothing more than a spoiled brat.

    LoveBunny January 5, 2018 2:32 pm
    I think I'm in the minority, but I feel like the scene with Rio really needed to happen. (I find him super annoying, but that's not why.) Everyone constantly indulges him, including Shingo. Someone seriously ha... Nyxmeow

    Valid point u made. I agree with u..hard lessen to learn but needed..

    yaoi_hime January 5, 2018 6:39 pm
    I think I'm in the minority, but I feel like the scene with Rio really needed to happen. (I find him super annoying, but that's not why.) Everyone constantly indulges him, including Shingo. Someone seriously ha... Nyxmeow

    Me too. I am super annoyed by Rio amd shingo is spoiling him a lot. Specially when rio was sad that shingo didn't kiss him. I was annoyed when rio wanted ti kiss shingo here.

    bakamono January 6, 2018 9:09 am
    Valid point u made. I agree with u..hard lessen to learn but needed.. LoveBunny

    Agree that was a valid point but it wasn't like Keiichi kiss Shingo in front of Rio to teach him a life lesson or anything. It was due to his own childishness and jealousy.
    its actually a little sad to see a grown up guy get that jealous over his kid nephew. haha.
    Like, do you not have any confidence that Shingo loves you
    (after all this volumes) and that's why you're jealous of everybody around him?

    Do hope that Rio take it as a life lesson tho. Also for me, Rio doesn't annoy me, he is just a kid after all. Do you all expect him to be that mature at such a young age. Good or bad, regardless of the intention, I'm sure he'll gain life experience from it.

    chocolate bunny January 6, 2018 10:13 am
    Valid point u made. I agree with u..hard lessen to learn but needed.. LoveBunny

    'Elo LoveBunny, nice to see you around ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Completely agree as well^

    Nyxmeow January 6, 2018 10:46 am
    Agree that was a valid point but it wasn't like Keiichi kiss Shingo in front of Rio to teach him a life lesson or anything. It was due to his own childishness and jealousy.its actually a little sad to see a gro... bakamono

    Yeah, at this point Keiichi is pretty much one-dimensional - like he's OVER-characterised as just "Possessive and forceful." That's it, the beginning and end of his character. To be fair, of course I wouldn't be jealous of a child because that's ridiculous, but I would be fed up in Keiichi's place. Rio's crap has been going on for ages. He's not Keiichi's kid, why should Keiichi have to be inconvenienced all the time? Maybe he doesn't want a kid around fawning all over his partner, every time he finally gets home from a work trip or goes anywhere. That's actually reasonable, so in that sense as well it's a shame sensei has overblown Keiichi's "jealous, possessive" character so much.

    I don't expect Rio to be mature!! But any kid who behaves like him is annoying. I've been working with children for the past few years, and in reality very few kids of Rio's age would act the way he does - only the sheltered, over-indulged ones who never get told "No." He'd be completely unbearable if he wasn't fundamentally pretty sweet-natured, so hopefully this will end up making him a better person in the long run.

    Nyxmeow January 6, 2018 10:59 am
    Yeah, at this point Keiichi is pretty much one-dimensional - like he's OVER-characterised as just "Possessive and forceful." That's it, the beginning and end of his character. To be fair, of course I wouldn't b... Nyxmeow

    ^ Just want to clarify, Keiichi being fed up and not wanting to put up with Rio's behaviour anymore would be reasonable. I agree that the way he dealt with it was childish and jealous!

    hunterx2 January 6, 2018 6:39 pm
    I think I'm in the minority, but I feel like the scene with Rio really needed to happen. (I find him super annoying, but that's not why.) Everyone constantly indulges him, including Shingo. Someone seriously ha... Nyxmeow

    See, I don't agree with it but I could at least respect an adult purposefully showing a kid what their limits are because they need to taught them. But Keiichi wasn't doing that. He was really, truly jealous of his own kid nephew. More over, Rio hadn't actually crossed or tried to cross any boundaries until then. Little kids want to hold your hand. They want the people who they like to hold them and they want to spend a lot of time together. That was all Rio did. Tried to spend a lot of time with his favorite person. Then Keiichi, his whole grown uncle, gave his favorite person an adult kiss and he wanted to do it too and was devastated to find out that he can't when he shouldn't have even seen that kiss.

    LoveBunny January 6, 2018 8:13 pm
    Agree that was a valid point but it wasn't like Keiichi kiss Shingo in front of Rio to teach him a life lesson or anything. It was due to his own childishness and jealousy.its actually a little sad to see a gro... bakamono

    Yes hes still a child but i also think u cant apply human logic here for the simple reason they arent human.. They act on instincts,smell,senses,etc.. U get my drift.. They can also be dangerous for the simple reason as animal instinct,which is what i was really referring to concerning the child.. Its best to nip his interest in shingo in the bud now before his hormones get fully loaded..

    Nyxmeow January 6, 2018 11:49 pm
    See, I don't agree with it but I could at least respect an adult purposefully showing a kid what their limits are because they need to taught them. But Keiichi wasn't doing that. He was really, truly jealous of... hunterx2

    I guess this is another thing our opinions differ a bit about (which is fine!) - I don't think it's a big deal that Rio saw a tongue kiss. He'd have to be pretty freaking sheltered to have never seen it before, at least on TV. It's not like there was anything below the belt. Different people and cultures feel differently about this I suppose - but in Australia I think most people would expect a kid Rio's age to know that grown ups kiss like that.

    And in my opinion, Rio was crossing boundaries. It's not just about him wanting to pash Shingo, for me. He's been allowed to be too demanding about Shingo for ages, bearing in mind that Keiichi has repeatedly made it clear that he doesn't like finding an overly-attached little kid in HIS house whenever he wants to come home and spend time with his partner. But everyone is just "Naaaw but Rio wants toooo!" There are limits to how much you can let your kid inconvenience someone else - so it's actually Yuu's fault that Rio's behaviour has been over the line, and Shingo's to a much lesser extent, since Yuu usually just lobs up with Rio without warning. Not cool. I agree that it's not Rio's fault he's like this! Nobody was telling him that he can't spend time with Shingo whenever he wants to and do whatever he wants to, because it's not just about what he wants.

    I think that the scene needed to happen for Rio's own character, leaving aside Keiichi's actual motivations (which I totally agree are jealous and childish). And for the sake of the plot, because I'm tired of the story revolving around an overly-attached spoiled child, and Keiichi being jealous of a spoiled child. It's ridiculous! I wish the story would switch to a new couple altogether, because if this is where it's got to it probably should have ended a while ago, TBH. Maybe now we can fast forward 10 years and get Rio's real story?