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Similar webtoon

Inessan January 6, 2018 2:03 am

So I've been looking like crazy for a webtoon that's pretty (kinda) similar to this one, well the art is I think, that I read a couple of months ago and can't remember the name of, but was wondering if some maybe knew. So what I do remember is that the mc is a police/detective and he went to police academy (**school?) w/ 3 othe friends and was especially close w/ one of them (future seme..) until this dude decided to boube for some reason and time goes on and he's now working on some big case involving yakuza I think and he stumbles upon him again and so it continues and lala and the mc has to disguise himself and enter a gay cluv for the mission/case if memory serves me right and the seme does not like that and so on. Yeah so I've been looking for this for days now and it's affecting my sleep as the irritation of not remembering it's name keeps me awake haha I hate to forget things anD not remembering them fast so...yeah...pls pls pls of some knows help a fellow sad soul out... (T _ T)
