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I am not sure about this manga even after reading all these chapters. I was expecting real...

Mélimélo-chan January 7, 2018 10:59 pm

I am not sure about this manga even after reading all these chapters. I was expecting really strong woman defeating all men and stuff but hmh no ?

I mean we don't ever see (apart form once or twice) a woman completly crush a man in battle (normal battle not sex battle lol)

The women are treated like garbage apart from when the MC is interacting with them, it makes me wonder if a woman or a man wrote this tho well anyway just my opinion

    mellowbread April 23, 2019 11:05 pm

    That's why I droped it. Like... They just want there sex slave back. And it make me sad to see woman treated like that. This story doesnt make sense;