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Lol is the scans group copying exile rebels

Agi January 8, 2018 10:11 am

Lol is the scans group copying exile rebels

    Casper January 10, 2018 6:34 am

    No we're not~. It's just because the person who made the typo in the chat was the translator for this manga and since it was a hilarious typo, we decided to include it into the release. We aren't going to do it with every release, just whenever something funny like that comes up again~!

    We are doing things to make sure all of our group members feel involved and just as important as one another~.

    Ryoko Nicole January 14, 2018 6:56 am

    That's sad to ask if we are "copying." So because 1 group does something ~~~it can never be done by anyone else? So I guess all groups shouldn't post artwork by members...cuz exile does it too? Smh. OH.