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Someone pls warn me if this should turn into Hirunaka no ryuusei

SinA January 12, 2018 11:42 pm

When this is finished somene please tell me whether ayukawa will come back to her or not.

The raws so far don‘t look like it and I‘m afraid it might just be awkward to push them together again at the very end.
But I came here for the idealistic motivation that with effort, understanding, compromising and learning even almost-miracles can be achieved.

Sure it‘s nice and good to know that in real life there are more options and paths, than to fixate on just this one, hell, I might advise that to my own friend if I deem it important to consider.
But here it just seems to completely ruin the pointe/punchline/moral I had hoped of this story.

I guess I‘ll wait for the end (and read it in one go) but I‘m a little unconvinced.

So unsatisfying >~< :D
