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Great story! Will get you drawn in from the first page.

Tragically January 9, 2018 4:49 pm

I really loved this manga and I will definitely reading it again sometime in future.

There was just one thing that really bothered me in this manga. Not even one time we have seen them give each other a proper kiss or said one of them to the other that they love(d) them. I know that it's labelled as Shounen-ai, but I always thought/assumed that that meant that they didn't have sex (I'm okay with that, but please a kiss would have been nice).

-I don't really count the "kiss" to taste something and I also don't count the teasing "lovebite" (biting someone in their neck till it bleeds-just to annoy the father, I really don't think that counts). I was just hoping that they would really "confess" near the end but they never did.

I also agree that Kiyomine could be really mean at time to Takara and he easly forgive him time after time...

But besides that I really enjoyed their story (˘◡˘)

    Ellaetc March 28, 2018 4:45 pm

    I think he kissed him in front of the whole school too?

    Tragically March 30, 2018 9:38 pm
    I think he kissed him in front of the whole school too? Ellaetc

    Oh, I don't remember that. (but I've read a lot more since the last time that I've read this one, so it would surprise me if I forgot about it).

    JenJenLovesYaoi April 6, 2018 5:55 am
    I think he kissed him in front of the whole school too? Ellaetc

    yep,it was valentines day,and reuichi was making everyone play a game,an Kyomine got really mad at the end of the day,kissed him and told Reuichi that he best stop the game or he would kill them all XD And Reuichi knew he was serious!

    Tragically April 7, 2018 12:26 am
    yep,it was valentines day,and reuichi was making everyone play a game,an Kyomine got really mad at the end of the day,kissed him and told Reuichi that he best stop the game or he would kill them all XD And Reui... JenJenLovesYaoi

    Omg how could I forgot about this? o,0 I totally missed this part! Thank you for explaining! (:

    JenJenLovesYaoi April 7, 2018 4:01 am
    Omg how could I forgot about this? o,0 I totally missed this part! Thank you for explaining! (: Tragically

    np hehe i just love this couple <3

    Ellaetc April 19, 2018 8:04 pm
    Oh, I don't remember that. (but I've read a lot more since the last time that I've read this one, so it would surprise me if I forgot about it). Tragically

    haahahah I was the as you and after reading it again I was surprised there were more kisses than I remembered in my mind lol

    Tragically April 22, 2018 12:41 pm
    haahahah I was the as you and after reading it again I was surprised there were more kisses than I remembered in my mind lol Ellaetc

    Sorry my replay should've said: "I wouldn't be surprised if I forgotten about it", but for some reason I can't edit something after I've posted it. (Just noticed that now too).

    Haha yes, it looked like it was way less when I first read it. Maybe I will remember it better when I read it again. ^^

    Tragically April 22, 2018 12:43 pm
    np hehe i just love this couple <3 JenJenLovesYaoi

    I love them too (: They are awesome. (except for the part when Kiyomine was so mean when the car crashed, I really didn't love him all that much then). Haha but other than that they are wonderful :3