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Jesus christ, talk about going around the reeking, it was certainly something different to...

Toya July 11, 2013 6:32 pm

Jesus christ, talk about going around the reeking, it was certainly something different to what I usually read, I enjoyed the fact that it was different but because of all the drama in it you couldn't really get a feel of how the couples were together so on that part I was quite disappointed but on the fact of its originality, I was quite happy with it, all in all it was a new experience for me. (^_^)

    namiutsukamiX3 July 12, 2013 3:14 am

    felt the same way. i couldn't really grasp why they fell in love with the dad and why the dad fell in love with his sons best friend which really confused me but i can respect that it was different from what i usually read :)