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ch. 17 detailed spoilers

Meow January 10, 2018 4:54 pm

(read the raws at, there's a link down int he comments & ch. 16 spoiler i posted below too)
ch: 17

opening scene: Soo Hwa thinking, “Yesterday…was a little embarrassing.”

Cut back to previous ch. scene - Soo Hwa shyly asks Go Yo, “Do you want to use my thighs?” to get off.

Go Yo is uncertain and asks “Are you sure you want to do this” while at the same time, getting ready to put his dick in btwn Soo Hwa’s thighs & Soo Hwa thinks, “Does he know that his words and his actions contradict themselves” (LOL)

Soo Hwa signs to Go Yo, “Hurry up” which turns Go Yo on even more. They start thigh-fucking and Soo Hwa is into it & thinks how good it feels when Go Yo flips him over and asks about the prostate massage that Soo Hwa was talking about earlier.

Soo Hwa tells him how to do it, thinking that Go Yo is asking bc he wants Soo Hwa to do it to him (LMAO) but of course, Go Yo is asking bc he wants to do it on Soo Hwa. He starts fingering Soo Hwa despite Soo Hwa bein like “WAIT A SECOND THIS ISN’T WHAT I THOUGHT WAS GONNA HAPPEN, TAKE IT OUT” but then Soo Hwa gets so into it that he cums in like five seconds & then that scene where he’s nuzzling so sexily into Go Yo’s hand, he tells him “What do I do…that felt so good.”

To which Go Yo becomes x10000000 turned on & gets off using Soo Hwa’s thighs.

Cut back to the present scene at the restaurant -Soo Hwa’s in a super good mood & the red haired boss is making fun of him as usual. Go Yo comes downstairs & Soo Hwa signs “Hello” in sign language to which Go Yo GASPS & then runs away leaving Soo Hwa stunned.

    NekoNani January 10, 2018 4:58 pm

    Good shittttttt....too bad we gotta wait a whole week!

    Kawaii Bitch January 10, 2018 5:06 pm

    OH MY GOD THANK YOU!! I can't wait to see it :')

    Meow January 10, 2018 5:14 pm

    ch 18 spoiler:

    ch. 18
    Beginning few scenes basically Go Yo running away every time Soo Hwa sees him & calls out “Boss”

    Soo Hwa starts getting pissed & runs after him but Go Yo keeps running away to the point where he splashed Soo Hwa with a water hose LOL to escape.

    Go Yo escapes & thinks to himself, “I hope Soo Hwa doesn’t catch a cold after I sprayed him with water…” But then he thinks how Soo Hwa looks angry and starts laughing to himself bc Soo Hwa reminds him of a hamster (bless his soul).

    Finally Soo Hwa catches him and in all his fury, ends up accidentally slipping on water and bashing his own head into a wall. Meanwhile red-haired boss is flirting with delivery guy as usual. Delivery guy ends up treating Soo Hwa for his injury and is so cute/considerate and urges him to go to the hospital while red-haired boss is literally choking on his laughter.

    Red-haired boss gets a text & seems unhappy, thinking “What is it, I thought I told them not to contact me today…” and then seems surprised in a bad way when he reads the message.

    Boss then tells the delivery guy to go to class using his car & that he’ll meet up with him later (I think they attend the same school?)

    Red-haired boss and Go Yo then have a private convo in which the boss signs to Go Yo, “That guy is returning to Korea next week. But don’t worry, I will…” [this is purposefully left vague, so I’m not sure who this “guy” they’re talking about is but I’m guessing someone who was not a nice person to Go Yo.]

    But Go Yo cuts him off and signs, “I told you last time too right. I can take care of myself, I’m not an idiot I’m just a guy whose ears can’t hear.”

    Red haired guy apologizes & Go Yo puts his hand on his head as a sign to cheer up. Red haired guy brushes him off and is like, “Ew do this friendly touchy stuff with Soo Hwa instead” and tells him to be honest with Soo Hwa and get over the awkward running away-ness. Red haired boss leaves to meet with delivery boy at school.

    Go Yo gives Soo Hwa a paper which originally had their lesson plan of, “Starting now you should talk only in sign language” but now it’s crossed off in red. Go Yo also gives Soo Hwa his phone where he’s typed an explanation of why he keeps running away - basically the note says,

    “I wasn’t deliberately avoiding you but I’m sorry about that. While it’s embarrassing for me to say this out loud, every time you sign to me in sign language, I think back to that night (of their thigh fucking lol) and ………………… I feel like I’m gonna cum. Sorry.”

    LMAOOOO this note cracked me up I love that added sorry at the end.

    Meow January 10, 2018 5:16 pm
    OH MY GOD THANK YOU!! I can't wait to see it :') Kawaii Bitch

    you can read the version in korean for free! it's at

    if you just wanted to see the pics.

    Roxy813 January 10, 2018 5:23 pm

    Meow is it okay if I use your translations to translate pages? Like take the pages and use my art program to put them in?

    LilySaintCyr January 10, 2018 5:41 pm

    Thank You. More please :)

    Meow January 10, 2018 5:46 pm
    Meow is it okay if I use your translations to translate pages? Like take the pages and use my art program to put them in? Roxy813

    Hmm i'm not sure if that'd work bc how would you know which panels match up with my translations? I didn't translate every line - it's more of a detailed summary of each chapter.
    And ik how readers can get super picky about good translations so that's why I'm not working on actually scanlating manga

    Alabama January 10, 2018 6:02 pm

    Thank you for doing that! My credit card company keeps blocking Lezhin now since they changed payment formats. Anyone else having this issue?

    Roxy813 January 10, 2018 6:04 pm
    Hmm i'm not sure if that'd work bc how would you know which panels match up with my translations? I didn't translate every line - it's more of a detailed summary of each chapter. And ik how readers can get supe... Meow

    yeah I get what you mean, originally I was already planning on translating it for myself with good old google translate for a ruff idea of what it was like until the official translations came out. Which is what I'm probably going to do still, but then put it on like Tumblr or something for people until it actually came out. Nothing more or less than that really. I don't speak Korean and I don't plan to, but I would like a ruff idea.

    It would be more of using you as a guide line with Google Translate lol

    I get about the picky thing too, but this is just for fun I guess :P

    Lelelala January 10, 2018 8:07 pm

    Omg thank you soo much for that translation!!!!

    Kawaii Bitch January 10, 2018 9:20 pm
    you can read the version in korean for free! it's at you just wanted to see the pics. Meow

    Marry me T^T

    PhasetheMoon January 11, 2018 4:49 am

    Thank you so much!! (⌒▽⌒)