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Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

Iceblaster January 18, 2018 3:03 pm

I stumbled into the novel first. I got really bored and got nothing to do (literally). Decided to read the novel. I've been putting it off for some time because of the warning about rape and hardcore sex and all. I braced myself and reading it. Ended up in an emotional rollercoaster.


Things got really REALLY interesting from the 10th chapte onwards. I cried over and over and over again. I really sympathize with Lu Cang for enduring all Jing torture. What makes me cry the most is when Lu Cang thinks that Jing does not love him and only use him as toy. THE FEELS.

    Ruru January 20, 2018 7:04 am

    I agree with you so much! I was bored during the summer and I read this novel.... at fist I had to put it down cause it was a bit dark..... but I had to finish and it literally broke my heart then glued it together. Omg there are also fan fix spin offs and it’s really good! It on Wattpad!!!

    Iceblaster January 22, 2018 6:03 pm
    I agree with you so much! I was bored during the summer and I read this novel.... at fist I had to put it down cause it was a bit dark..... but I had to finish and it literally broke my heart then glued it toge... @Ruru

    Glad that someone agree! It's nice to have a comrade, lol.
    Could you give me the links? I'm craving for more!

    Kata-chan April 15, 2018 5:38 am

    Yeah I totally get what you mean! I spent several tissues myself during the hardest parts (several chapters at that) but I'm glad I braced myself and finished it! I got to see how they enjoy their love lol