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If anyone know this please answer me.. pretty please

MuruMuru January 19, 2018 3:07 pm

I forgot the title of this yaoi maga where in.. The boy went to past thru their backyard and fall in love with a boy almost the same age as him but when he came back to present he discovered that the boy he fell in love with in the past is in fact he's very own father.. His father in the past also fell in love with him but he suddenly disappear one day so the father tried to move on and get married but then he still cannot forgot the boy so the he named his son after the boy he fell in love with which happened to be his son in the future

    EMENGERD January 19, 2018 3:12 pm

    Not equal by ike reibun

    MuruMuru January 26, 2018 2:24 pm
    Not equal by ike reibun EMENGERD

    OMG! thank you for the response!