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ch. 19 summary

Meow January 20, 2018 3:02 pm

link to raws:수화_19화.html

i already posted ch. 18 summary a couple pages back :)
ch. 19

opening scene:

After Yohan’s confession that Soo Hwa’s sign language turns him on, Soo Hwa wonders if he should feel angry. But he realizes that he doesn’t actually feel bad/disgusted at all but that he actually rather enjoys turning the tables around on Yohan lol. So he signs back to Yohan, “really?” knowing that it’s gonna arouse Yohan.

So Yohan pins him down, accusing him that he did that on purpose and Soo Hwa, the sly bastard, is like I know. So they get it on in the back of the coffee shop and Yohan tries to finger him but Soo Hwa’s like “Wait…we don’t have any lube.” But Yohan promises him that he’ll put it in gently and y’all know how Soo Hwa loves his prostate orgasms so he agrees. But then he ends up being like a cripple afterwards LMAO aka the orgasm’s so strong that his legs give out LOL so Yohan sends him back home to rest up (after originally trying to piggyback him to the hospital HAH).

On his way home, Soo Hwa thinks about what’ll happen/how he’ll ever hear Yohan’s voice again if he were to quit this job and then decides to go get some dumplings to cheer himself up/distract him from his ~gay~ feelings. He runs into red-haired manager who said he was gonna be at school but is actually in the street just arguing with an unknown cute blond stranger. He follows red-haired guy and blondie into an alley and spies them kissing le gasp. Then he gets found out peeping lol.
