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Hmmm, not feeling this one

Mameiha January 21, 2018 9:23 pm

The plots seem forced, in more ways than one. In the first story, I felt no connection to or between the characters and the conflicts felt like they were chosen from a "grab bag" rather than seriously thought through. Secondary characters flitted in and out so quickly, they all seemed to blur together. In the conclusion to the first story the conflict was even more contrived than in the initial chapters and the tenuous connection between the protagonists felt in the first part of the story completely snaps. Without a connection to the characters through proper development, having their thoughts cut off with ellipses only makes the flow of the story choppy and confusing. I had no idea how the protagonists actually felt about each other. I've seen some very poorly written manga and this one will be added to that list. The second story suffers from the same problems as the first, though the characters are developed marginally better. Though the characters are developed a little better, they're not entirely likable and their connection to each other is tremendously thin. Honestly, it felt like the mangaka had never told a story in their lives or they really didn't have their heart into this story and simply "phoned it in". The plot concepts had potential to be really cute stories - otaku x closet otaku and 30 y/o hetero virgin falls in love with a man - if they had been developed and written better.
