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Its nothing important, really.

e.e January 27, 2018 2:56 pm

I was just wondering if there's any manga where the its played by a perspective of someone who gave up on her love for the friend.

I gave up on my crush after 1 in the half years of keeping this one sided love when a senior who I was close to started dating him and it hurt badly for a day and two and I told myself I had to let it go. But the three of us was just really close, even after they started dating and its been almost one year since they started dating and Im still cool about their relationship. Although its hard to talk to him, Im trying my best to move on and I think I finally did. Its just that once in a while he just pops up, as a friend and all and even if its just manga, I just wanna know what it was like for people from other perspective.

    JustSomeGirlWhoHappensToLoveBL January 27, 2018 3:31 pm

    I don't know if this is the right recommendation. But what about Hate Mate? However, this is shonen-ai... But still it contains a story of the protagonist trying to move on for his 10 years of one sided love.

    e.e January 27, 2018 3:44 pm
    I don't know if this is the right recommendation. But what about Hate Mate? However, this is shonen-ai... But still it contains a story of the protagonist trying to move on for his 10 years of one sided love. JustSomeGirlWhoHappensToLoveBL

    Thanks, I'll try.

    JustSomeGirlWhoHappensToLoveBL January 28, 2018 4:20 am

    Oh i just recently read this. I think i can recommend this to you. However, it still ongoing. . This is BL with great story. Its about a guy who was able to move on in his unrequited love who is married to a woman. He was able to move on with a help of a guy. (Sorry i wont spoil more about the story. I'll just keep it like that)

    I really like the story and I am waiting for this to be updated. How about trying this?