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Don’t believe the nigga u dumbass. But the nigga needa live

yomum January 28, 2018 6:07 am

Don’t believe the nigga u dumbass. But the nigga needa live

    Anonymous January 28, 2018 6:14 am

    Please don't talk like that we get what you want to say but it's inappropriate word usage.

    Suttono January 28, 2018 6:58 am
    Please don't talk like that we get what you want to say but it's inappropriate word usage. @Anonymous

    I mean it's online and in a forum where we bootleg manga /manwhas in here so like u know ...........let the person say what they gotta say.... you feel....idk i find it kind of refreshing to see that kind of language on here bc most people on here sound like their like 13 u know freedom of speech.....yeah????? ╥﹏╥

    Suttono January 28, 2018 7:00 am
    Please don't talk like that we get what you want to say but it's inappropriate word usage. @Anonymous

    Ok and low key I feel like we read the same stuff bc I have seen you in so many of the manwhas I read

    mari January 28, 2018 7:53 am
    Please don't talk like that we get what you want to say but it's inappropriate word usage. @Anonymous

    if they're black, they have every right to use the n-word all day long.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 6:07 pm
    if they're black, they have every right to use the n-word all day long. mari

    That's racists if you think about it.

    mari January 28, 2018 7:15 pm
    That's racists if you think about it. JustAYaoiFangirl

    No. The n-word was used against them for centuries. In this day and age, racial slurs shouldn't be used by anyone except that race. For example, ch*gga should not be used by anyone who is not asian. Same goes for cr*acker. It should not be used by anyone who is not white.

    Mouri January 28, 2018 7:28 pm
    I mean it's online and in a forum where we bootleg manga /manwhas in here so like u know ...........let the person say what they gotta say.... you feel....idk i find it kind of refreshing to see that kind of la... Suttono

    This is the stupidest shit I've read all day.

    aeriesky21 January 28, 2018 7:56 pm
    I mean it's online and in a forum where we bootleg manga /manwhas in here so like u know ...........let the person say what they gotta say.... you feel....idk i find it kind of refreshing to see that kind of la... Suttono

    That's the most stupid thing I've ever read. Using hateful slur words is NOT a sign of maturity or freedom of speech. It just makes you sound and look like a racist asshole.

    aeriesky21 January 28, 2018 7:56 pm
    This is the stupidest shit I've read all day. Mouri


    Suttono January 28, 2018 11:21 pm
    That's the most stupid thing I've ever read. Using hateful slur words is NOT a sign of maturity or freedom of speech. It just makes you sound and look like a racist asshole. aeriesky21

    what I said about the maturity thing yeah I get that after reading it 2 days later and but the freedom of speech thing everyone SHOULD have freedom of speech. Think about it tho do u use bitch? well some people believe that men should not say it and some people don't (not saying the severity of the words are the same) so like saying that ,words ARE words and this is a website with literal rape and murder and many other messed up things so like get over it and go on with your day.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 11:30 pm
    No. The n-word was used against them for centuries. In this day and age, racial slurs shouldn't be used by anyone except that race. For example, ch*gga should not be used by anyone who is not asian. Same goes f... mari

    But that still doesn't change the fact that this is excluding people based on their skin colour.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 11:37 pm
    That's the most stupid thing I've ever read. Using hateful slur words is NOT a sign of maturity or freedom of speech. It just makes you sound and look like a racist asshole. aeriesky21

    It is a sign of freedom of speech, it shows that unfavourable speech can occur which is exactly what freedom of speech is aiming to protect. Also, if you want to be the PC police then you should have a problem with yourself, you did start this paragraph by insulting someone who just calmly stated their opinion.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 11:37 pm

    Everyone here needs to chill out.

    Mouri January 28, 2018 11:39 pm
    what I said about the maturity thing yeah I get that after reading it 2 days later and but the freedom of speech thing everyone SHOULD have freedom of speech. Think about it tho do u use bitch? well some people... Suttono

    Don't compare a work of fiction that consists of dark and heavy elements (yaoi or not, stereotypical or not) to a racial slur that is being used in the real world.

    Also, you sound so privileged to think that words are just words. Yeah, you have your freedom of speech, but don't think people are not going call you out when you're using your right for moronic reasons. For example, using a racial slur. For example, a president calling other countries "shitholes".

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 28, 2018 11:50 pm
    Don't compare a work of fiction that consists of dark and heavy elements (yaoi or not, stereotypical or not) to a racial slur that is being used in the real world.Also, you sound so privileged to think that wor... Mouri

    Do you even understand the point that they were making? Well, I will explain it to you since you don't seem to grasp it. This is a website that includes stories that contain things such as rape and murder, thus anyone who is ok with being on here and reading those things shouldn't just get upset because someone used a bad word.

    On the topic of privilege, people who actually live in bad conditions don't even have the time to care about what words people use. They have bigger problems such as getting their kids to school and feeding their families. If you're gonna act like you're defending them in any way then just take all that effort and use it to donate to a charity (also, check how they use their founds before you donate so it doesn't go to waste) to actually make a change instead of complaining about what words people use.

    Anonymous January 29, 2018 12:27 am
    This is the stupidest shit I've read all day. Mouri

    the first part they have a point though. those in glass houses...

    Mouri January 29, 2018 2:19 am
    Do you even understand the point that they were making? Well, I will explain it to you since you don't seem to grasp it. This is a website that includes stories that contain things such as rape and murder, thus... JustAYaoiFangirl

    Actually, you didn't understand the point of my response. The content of the fictional work was not up for discussion here. It's people excusing the use of racial slurs.

    Lmaooooooo bad conditions? Do you mean a low income person? Or specifically low income black person? You think if a low income black person were called the n-word by a non-black person, they would stay quiet? Have you not seen the video of Richard Spencer getting punched? Or if they aren't physically fighting people...did you not read about how thanks to black people a pedophile lost in the Alabama Senate elections?

    I do donate to charities. I assist my community by giving my time. So back the hell up. Don't think that in this day in age when fucking nazi' s are prevailing that we don't have to learn the history of racial slurs....and why they are Am I missing something here???? I don't care if this is a manga your ignorance aside and educate yourself.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 29, 2018 3:02 am
    Actually, you didn't understand the point of my response. The content of the fictional work was not up for discussion here. It's people excusing the use of racial slurs.Lmaooooooo bad conditions? Do you mean a ... Mouri

    It seems that you still don't get it, understanding the context behind something is important,

    I don't get what you find so funny. Also, what's with the "specifically" part? Look, I don't know if you noticed this but so far you're getting offended over something that isn't even offensive. You're acting like someone commenting about something while using the word "nigga" and not even directing it at a black person but a fictional non-black character is the end of the world in some kind of a weird way. Calm down. People that have actual problems. Also what's up with the "if they aren't physically fighting people" part? Did you really not notice what you're implying, it's extremely rude.

    Look, I'm gonna be straight with you, I couldn't care less about any bullshit political shit from america. I know that sounded rude but it's the truth and I think that it's pretty much the best way to make it clear to you. I like arguments, through I do prefer debating people more, but I don't waste my time on any american politics. The reason is simple, everyone is too extreme, people surround themselves in circles where they only hear stuff they agree with and it's mostly a huge mess. So if we are gonna keep talking, you stay on topic and use your words to make a point rather than referring another extreme person that doesn't even compare to the OP - the person who is the reason behind this argument.

    You want me to back the hell up? In what way?

    Also, if you think that you should use "Nazi" when referring to that person then you must not realise that actual Nazis are the people committed a genocide against (mainly) Jews, disabled people and homosexuals. Unlike him, they aren't just some extreme right winged idiot, they are a lot worse. So don't use that word so freely unless you want it to loose meaning over time. On another note, why should we hold racial slurs as important enough to make such a big deal about them? In the end they are just slurs. It's not even like people give them them the same meaning as before. Keep calling me ignorant and telling me to educate myself but when you're making that statement about me when it comes to anything history related then you really are a fool.

    JustAYaoiFangirl January 29, 2018 3:04 am
    Actually, you didn't understand the point of my response. The content of the fictional work was not up for discussion here. It's people excusing the use of racial slurs.Lmaooooooo bad conditions? Do you mean a ... Mouri

    Oh, I forgot to ask. What exactly are you advocating for? People not to use racial slurs at all or people of different races not to use racial slurs at all, and if that is the case then are you referring just to non-African Americans or to everyone? This is important since then I will get what you're going for more.

    Mouri January 29, 2018 5:08 am

    If neither yomum or suttono said they were black and this discussion has been going on for this long, then really it doesn't even matter what the hell is said. Also, you typed out the N-word, but hey, whatever.

    "I couldn't care less about any bullshit political shit from america."

    Calling me rude, but saying something as rude as that. Yes, as you said, people have actual problems out there. People are getting their lives destroyed and are dying both here in the states and over seas due to the decisions of selfish American politicians, but who gives a shit when you're not getting personally affected, right? Nothing more from me on this.