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my very long probably unpopular opinion.

Kawaii_canteloupe January 29, 2018 1:39 am

honestly, there where very few times where I actually 'liked' haruhiko.
what I got from him is that he is very selfish. there where times when he acted protective over takashi, but only when his authority was threatened. for example: when Haruki was after takashi haruhiko made sure that he wasn't taken away, but when the bitch momoe was telling him shit and making takashi insecure haruhiko didn't even care enough to assure him that nothing was between them, not to mention the fact that he let momoe cling to him right in front of takashi, and tell takashi to go upstairs like he's the one who is unwelcome. I mean sure he said it was in the past but that obviously didn't ease him up very well, considering all the events that would suggest otherwise, and he even has the balls to say "do you want me and momoe to get back together?" that's fucking low. you should never make your lover feel like they have to fight just to keep a place in your heart. he never seems to take takashi's feelings into consideration.
if he wants sex but takashi doesn't want to/ is too embarrassed, then haruhiko gets all but hurt and blames all their problems on takashi.
I swear he thinks with his dick 99.9 percent of the time, and doesn't take no as an answer.
Ill acknowledge that I may be blowing things out of proportion because of my personal preferences, but I sure as hell could never stay with a guy like haruhiko.
id always feel like I was annoying him and that the only thing he wanted was my body (which he literally tells takashi is the only thing he could use to be helpful) and I could never live like that, and nobody should have to.
It actually makes me sad to see how in love takashi is, and then have to see the type of 'love' he gets in return.
haruhiko is definitely not the worst but he's not the best either.
he has a cold personality but he doesn't have any sense for self improvement, if he would at least try to show more affection to takashi and be more considerate I might actually like him.
but as of right now I just feel like he gets everything handed to him and should have to put in more effort like takashi, the poor boy is always trying his best only to be met with a lukewarm outcome.

    Yo bro January 29, 2018 1:48 am

    Everything about your comment is perfect, this is exactly how I felt throughout the whole manga

    Jesss February 5, 2018 1:46 am

    i always thought he asked him to go upstairs because he noticed how uncomfortable he was. i saw nothing wrong with him asking him if he wanted him to get back together with momoe. he wanted to see if he was just going to give up on him. haruhiko made sure to tell momoe that he had a lover, and even admitted it to her face. he did nothing wrong in my eyes.

    Elen42564 March 1, 2018 8:00 am

    I feel you. TBH, as an aro person I keep wondering if he doesn't fall on that category (not saying aro people are like this, most of us know we are and know how to explain it to our partners and set limits clearly from minute 1), he seems unable to understand that his boyfriend needs romantic affection and seems kind of repulsed by romance in general (tho, to be fair, lovey dovey couples are just gross, my allo friends agree with me on that)

    His treatment of the Momoe situation is just the worse and I just think that Takashi deserves someone who just isn't emotionally abusive (I don't think he realize he's being, but he is and that's just sad)

    Nipsy May 10, 2018 9:00 pm

    Well i completely disagree with you and think that this author is one of the best at displaying real love but I'm only going to say this to your argument: what should he have done? In that situation I would have asked my lover to leave to... It's not the time to be possessive when someone is that distraught especially if my lover didn't know them at all it would be hella awkward if he just stood there unable to anything and only making it harder to get this sobbing person calm enough to actually talk to. I do think there was no reason he had to leave takashi completely in the dark but if I thought my lover was getting super jealous and pissy that I was helping this clearly emotionally distraught person id be less inclined to explain myself... which is exactly what haruhiko thought they literally say that in the story... I'm all down for possessive and affectionate seme they're my favorite but this author does a good job of making her characters realistically bad. Cause no one is cute and loving all the time ya feel? It's because they have moments of affection and annoyance that can I feel that they're really in love... like the part where takashi asked haruhiko if they "really had to sleep together"... IMAGINE IF YOUR LOVER YOU JUST MOVED IN WITH

    Nipsy May 10, 2018 9:04 pm
    Well i completely disagree with you and think that this author is one of the best at displaying real love but I'm only going to say this to your argument: what should he have done? In that situation I would hav... Nipsy

    TOLD YOU THAT... It'd be so hurtful honestly my jaw dropped when I read it... and I loved that takashi realized this when haruhiko turned him down later... that might have been the most selfish and hurtful moment in the whole manga honestly my heart hurt for haruhiko