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Manipulate seme instead

Takano san February 4, 2018 8:36 pm

Would be refreshing to see uke use his head and turn table on seme by manipulating him and the media firestorm with the near rape amd rent boy deal seme wants! Baby brother has more fight in him than uke so far...

    Anonymous February 5, 2018 4:02 am

    Are you even thinking???
    For a small amount of money, you wanted him to self-destruct and also destroy Fuuta's whole life..????!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Do you have brains. at. all?!!!

    You want him to threaten him with near-rape.. as if that won't destroy them and drag their names into the mud...
    Not to mention publicizing that you are a near-rape victim.. he is also a man..That is double whammy!! People will point at them. Laugh at them..
    why do you think you don't nearly see news about male rape victims? is it because thare are none?? of course not.. there are cases like these.. but no one will ever dare to say it.. because it will destroy their names..

    Seriously, I do not think what that Architect isn't against moral integrity..
    BuT come on..!! What were you thinking suggesting this turning-the-tables on the seme.. By manipulation.. DID you not stop to think about it even for one second?? I can't believe I read such ridiculous suggestion.. And also can't believe I saw nine people who agreed..!!
    And even more.. I can't believe I'm arguing about this heatedly while im at school library....