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It was a good ending.SeriouslyT~T Thankgod the girl could say that she loved him, in the...

FUjoShyGUrl February 5, 2018 3:44 pm

It was a good ending.SeriouslyT~T
Thankgod the girl could say that she loved him, in the end, like what is wrong with you girl?? Why the hell do you keep on making your precious fiancè sad/jealous/mad all the time??! I was so gonna be pissed if she still couldnt say it till the end but, well. The fact that she did that on many people and FINALLY say what she feels to him AND break That IMP guy off!! AND the wedding saved me so muchh. I love this, though i would want to know more about the girl's fiancè's parents. Did they get together or what?? They would look really cute couple Buut Above all i was satisfied, though im a fujoshi and that pairing of that imp and the fiancè got me screamin ( ishipthem) i WONT definitley forget this one.
