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I am blown away from this manga!

I Love Junjou Romantica February 9, 2018 4:54 am

seriously like this should win awards, its so beautiful! and I'm using that word in the highest of meanings from the art to the characters to the story plot-line and details uggh gloomps. I just melted at how adorable Yona was this chapter honestly and Jae-ha I just love how I can feel for him and his repressed feelings for Yona without it ever being mentioned or like brought to attention by another character or like made a big deal. Like I feel like not many mangaka's are capable of that level of story telling just through facial features alone to get the actual story across and not just reactions. It's beautiful! and thats just one example not to mention I forgot to mention how I love every character! I love how its not just Yona and Hak and a bunch of side characters, they actually have actual AMAZING backstories that are all worthy of their own story and I just love every one of them ugghhhh ok I dont want to be done but I am going to end this here, I love this manga so much and am not disappointed at all and dont think I'm going to be ever its just so special and beautiful and makes me so generally happy to read!
