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I'm maddddddddd

pumpkin cookie February 10, 2018 1:29 am

so first of all the ending was nice except the way subin and Hyunwoo parted in chapter 42. As a subinxHyunwoo shipper i'm not even mad that he ended with hyung because hyunwoo was a total piece of shit to him and hyung treated him really nicely. sooooo lets start
1.First of all hyung was just someone Subin used to forget about Hyunwoo wich is ok but sometimes it felt like he came to hyung for comfort and to forget about hyunwoo more than coming to him because he actually wanted hyung ( ik their relationsship was like that before but i mean when they're dating) but i prolly convinced myself this cuz they're not my ship

2. Subin still has feelings for Hyunwoo and that made me quite sad for hyung. When he's going away in chapter 42 he turns HE FUCKING TURNS which to my interpretation mean he was hesitant which leads to thinking he still has feelings for hyunwoo. some part of him wanted Hyunwoo to come and stop him because some part of him still hadn't given up on Hyunwoo. He still wanted him and he even stopped and turned around to see if he was there. Which means he still hasn't fully forgotten hyunwoo so hasn't fully "given" himself to hyung.

If he hadn't turned the ending would've been better not perfect but i would've accepted the ending
