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You know, even though Kou figures out he's in love with Shinobu and at some point they get...

iamxrae February 10, 2018 1:25 pm

You know, even though Kou figures out he's in love with Shinobu and at some point they get back together, I won't be satisfied. Kou hurt him ON PURPOSE. He took advantage of his broken heart and innocence. He romanced him and sweetened him up with the intent to make Shinobu fall for him, then dump him afterwards. One of his toys. A game. That's some sick shit right there. Kou needs to learn his lesson the hard way, by living the rest of his life knowing that he threw away a chance at love just because he was a royal asshat who wanted to play with the feelings of another decent human being. He might even learn to think twice next time.

If Kou was just a stupid player who wasn't looking for a serious relationship and hurt Shinobu unintentionally, then realized too late that he had fallen in love with him, I'd be a little more forgiving.

But no. On purpose. Intent to hurt. Not worthy in my book.
