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This is the first time a read this and the only think I like is the art. The sex scenes ar...

Fuck February 11, 2018 10:39 pm

This is the first time a read this and the only think I like is the art. The sex scenes are hawt and I love them but I seriously hate that “brother”. You know, I’m seriously a fan of incest (but Mostly with yaoi, if it’s between a boy and a girl I find it more cute being step-siblings)

    Anonymous February 11, 2018 10:44 pm

    I posted this by mistake and I don’t know how to delete it so I will just continue in here.. so like I was saying, I fucking hate him! that’s not an excuse for you to RAPE! your little brother, but why hasn’t he escaped? Where are his parents? And just HOW MANY YEARS HAVE THEY BEEN DOING THIS did he started to have feelings towards Yukio and that’s why he wants to end it for once and and for all??? I know we will never know how this would’ve have ended (RIP mangaka) but I would imagine that he is discovered and sent to prison or something and Hiraku can move on and move far away with Yukio