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Freak February 14, 2018 12:05 am

I got really captivated by this yaoi, I was a bit skeptical at first because the story line was kind of messy but as I continued reading I just... whoa. I have so many feelings right now, but I want Woojin to know who Kim Hwon is, but Woojin... fuck. I hate him so much, I pity him but I hate him. I'm having such mixed emotions right now, but the one who suffered the most is Hwon I guess. He woke up twice near death, without Woojin being by his side. I don't know how I want this to end, I just want Hyung, Kim and Woojin to be happy. I just, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Ugh, I wanna read more but I'm getting anxiety from this. I just feel bad in general, great work, made me feel a lot of emotions and looking forward to the next chapter.
