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i didn't really like this manga, sorry. Mostly because tsutsui- sans apperance reminded me...

mon July 22, 2013 1:50 pm

i didn't really like this manga, sorry. Mostly because tsutsui- sans apperance reminded me too much of suguru-senpai from "thirsty for love" and i really hated him:(
it would've been so much better if yuuhi-kun had hooked up with kai but that's just my opinion though:3

    brooooooke April 29, 2014 6:50 pm

    I feel like their similarities (in appearance) is probably just the authors art style? But god being reminded of Thirsty for Love.....that sucks D:

    kitteh June 7, 2014 7:41 pm

    i despised thirsty for love, but i read it cuz i LOVE this artist's style. i was tricked. this particular manga was not as bad, but it still had a lot of injustice in it, which got under my skin. i feel like an idiot for thinking kan-chan is attractive too, cuz honestly all the characters pissed me off at one time or another...all except yuuhi, who was an absolute GEM.