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Biased cop

VioletPhoenix February 15, 2018 2:54 am

I honestly liked this manga at first but eventually it started becoming dumb. She has no regard of her duties as a cop and does illegal investigations. Shes also super biased. Take for instance when she broke up with that Yuki guy for saying that chick who got beat up by those mafia guys deserved her fate. That may be cruel but he is right in a way they could've killed her or sold her but they didn't. If anything he lessened their sentence but she got all pissed because of that, yet when that dude who robbed that old lady, she wants to beat him to death and wants him to rot in prison. Sure he robbed an old lady, but those chicks were robbing many innocent men but she went on and on about how cruel they were and even broke up with her boyfriend. Shes so biased, impulsive and emotionally driven. She clearly isn't suited for this job.
