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Really cute! But I wonder why so many manga characters panic when someone gets a fever. Wh...

Dubedaris July 22, 2013 5:37 pm

Really cute! But I wonder why so many manga characters panic when someone gets a fever. Why do they always go to the hospital? And why the fuck would a hospital be closed on sunday?
I don't know about others, but nobody in my family has ever gone to the hospital because of a fever. I can understand if it's something that's been going on for a while, but a regular cold will disappear on it's own, won't it?

    Desiree July 23, 2013 4:54 am

    i've been wondering the same thing too. i just makes me think that the japanese or the people, are week.

    Anonymous July 31, 2013 2:11 pm

    The Japanese are just people who don't like illnesses period, and take things like that more seriously. Also this was meant to show a father who had know idea how to take care of his sick son, and was overly worried. All parents worry too much the first time their child gets sick.

    Lock August 16, 2013 1:58 pm

    Think more like clinics. Most family doctors and things are in fact closed on sunday. Obviously proper hospitals, with ER's and ICU's and things like that that need constant monitoring are not going to be closed. (As for the fever thing, a strong fever really should be seen by a doctor though most least in the USA avoid doing so due to cost. More over, in a culture like Japan where there is a quite a bit of emphasis on the importance of work..getting a fever could be bad news.)

    hm.... October 4, 2013 6:49 am

    if a child got a fever, you should take it more seriously! Their body immune system is obviously weaker than adults or teenagers. It is highly possible to become worse than a fever if you dont treat them properly at early stage. Worst cases, it could damage some part of their body organ system like their brain, making em a bit retarded. and yes, it could also lead to death even if it was just a regular fever.

    Sweets and candy November 9, 2013 8:13 am

    as a father who doesn't know how to take care of his son that has a fever, he had the right to be worried like that. but I agree with you on the hospital point, I mean , why would hospitals be closed on sundays ? they must be open 27/7 !
    and sorry for my bad English ...

    LABSFI November 21, 2013 1:31 am

    Lol Ikr

    a-chan January 28, 2014 3:10 pm

    About the hospital being closed on sunday:
    I'm not exactly sure how it is in Japan, but in South Korea many hospitals don't take in new patients after "business hours" or on weekends. It's probably the same in Japan.

    The father panicking makes sense considering so far only his wife took care of his son and he had no idea what to do or what is dangerous.
    Contrary to what "hm...." said though, a fever is something you usually don't have to care about a lot in little children. Getting sick all the time is basically their job, it makes them resistant against any type of cold they had. And they can withstand way higher temperatures than adults. An adult with over 40°C really should go to the hospital (or take some medicine) while small children with that kind of temperature often don't even feel sick yet.

    What really bothers me in manga though is the fact that people get sick from the most unreasonable causes. Got wet from the rain for 10 min? Gets a fever. Waited in the cold for half an hour with warm clothes on? You bet they get a major cold. Wtf?