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So, who is going to be the who? Shiro is doggy type - less height = cute,but his thoughts ...

Shishio February 15, 2018 8:25 am

So, who is going to be the who? Shiro is doggy type - less height = cute,but his thoughts makes it look like he wants to be THE TOP.....& Kurodo is manly guy,who also seems like THE TOP type...... I'm thinking about this frm ch.01 its self(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    LazyC28C February 15, 2018 2:08 pm

    shiro a uke
    cause i see him being the one accepting that role

    Mélimélo-chan February 15, 2018 8:30 pm

    But I really feel like it's going to be Kuroda tho! Because he is waiting (I mean kind of) for Shiro to grow taller and everytime Shiro is the one poucing on him and he lets him soooo

    Dragomira February 15, 2018 9:35 pm

    I have a feeling Shiro's not getting any taller, though - well, contrary to what many mangakas seem to believe, most guys stop growing in their late teens so it's pretty unlikely that Shiro will ever "outgrow" his boyfriend. But, technically speaking, the seme doesn't have to be taller than his partner... I feel like Shiro has been portrayed as an uke so far - but who knows? We might just end up getting bamboozled by the author! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I really can't picture Shiro as the seme, though

    Anonymous March 4, 2018 7:35 am

    I vote for seke

    The naked swan May 18, 2018 4:28 pm

    Damn Shishio my best boy from Hirunaka no ryuusei!
    So I used my mediocre japanese skills and went to check on the Chill Chill website (they have a data base with all BL books and they always list who's seme/who's uke, for every story of each book, guess they're obsessed with positions, whatever):
    Seme is Kuroda, height wins, again...