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A really good Story, but sad when you look at the fact that he was gangraped and is now tr...

Hyuna July 22, 2013 6:40 pm

A really good Story, but sad when you look at the fact that he was gangraped and is now traumatized. I was so angry and im glad that sensei didnt draw the rape scence.

    Meh November 25, 2013 3:31 am

    I was wondering if the part where he didn't answer the call would ever come up. I was anticipating it but nothing came of it.

    Yaoi is my food. January 21, 2014 11:35 pm

    Same here. If only she grew a bit of the rape scene..

    Yaoi is my food. January 22, 2014 4:22 am

    Opps. Sorry, I thought you said you wanted to see the gang bang. ....I just wanted to see bits of it. Guess I'm the only pervert here. I wouldn't like it if it was real life or if it was done to me. My friend and her mom, back in their country, yup. It's actually sad if it happens for real.