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BIG discussion - rape scenes - yaoi

Cheeky Vampire February 15, 2018 1:20 pm

So....I have to say it - it is only febuary 2018 and the most annoying word right now on mangago is "rape". I don't know if you noticed it, but suddenly it is something NEW that rape is a part of yaoi. last year it was still like - this yaoi land + its love. And now...sorry too much. My opinion: I'm also against rape scenes - more over in the case when the uke is forced to have sex! BUT if its like, the uke gets teased and is totally into it and they have sex - and somebody in the comments write "another rape manga - lets write a petition so there will never be something like this again!" (true life story) - I GET SOOOOO ANNOYED! guys please Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) - what's your opinion? did you also noticed this a lot the past weeks/months?

    Raku February 15, 2018 1:39 pm

    I get what your saying, however I’d have to disagree with you on the whole “there’s so much more rape then fluff” point, I think the manga’s and manwhas involving rape just tend to be the loud minority. Sometimes they do make an interesting story, interesting character and relationship development, and, let’s be honest its a lot of people’s ‘dirty pleasure’ which would probably explains why there are so many in the featured manga section or whatever. I agree with you on the petition thing though, some people just take it too far. It’s the internet, congratulations you found some fucked up shit, just close your tab. It isn’t that hard lol - as long as creators aren’t hurting anyone I see absolutely no problem with them creating kinky shit or whatever and absolutely no one has the right to remove that or take it down just because they think it’s wrong. Peoples paychecks (NOT ON THIS WEBSITE LMAO) depend on stuff like that, so uh yeah

    Itsabouttogetsteamy( ° ʖ °) February 15, 2018 3:17 pm

    some mangas do have rape in it and some of it are just teasing. people these days are too fucking sensitive and they will tag "rape" and will mention "rape" as much as they could

    KAM February 15, 2018 3:57 pm
    some mangas do have rape in it and some of it are just teasing. people these days are too fucking sensitive and they will tag "rape" and will mention "rape" as much as they could Itsabouttogetsteamy( ° ʖ °)

    I agree with you.
    I see everyone complain about rape there, rape here... I've been reading yaoi for so many years... That I can't seem to see it or do I have a problem at noticing it?
    I mean... I have read a couple of yaoi that contain rape scenes, but that's because the story line is based on Tragedy, mostly turn around the old century (which was a time that turned around prostitution and rape) or Mafia.

    If sensitive people end up reading (as example) Sakura Gari, of course they will complain. Just don't read a tragic yaoi if you can't handle it. They also take the time to write it in the tag '' rape ''.
    Or if they read Harada sensei's work, her artworks only turn around Psychological issues (including rape).

    It is getting annoying to see people complain about rape, but ignore the tag or the fact that some yaoi reflect on some true facts of life. If you're in mafia, expect to see rape. If you were born in earlier 190, there were rapes. I could go on, but I think you can get my point.

    ShaaringanNoRiya February 15, 2018 4:57 pm

    Ugh yes.. finally. I've said this before and I'll say it again: "In yaoi the words 'please don't', 'not there', 'stop, otherwise I'll cum!!!' 'I can't' etc. are not the things said if a person is being raped. Yaoi is fantasy. They uke's are being teased and the No's are out of embarrassment. And after the scene ends the uke generally likes it and even fantasizes about it. Come on now. Yaoi is for entertainment. It's often light porn. It's not fucking real. People should get that by now.

    If people want yaoi about real rape issues then look it up under mature/psychology/seinen/tragedy. Not under fluff tags.