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Was anyone else single and alone on Valentine day? I was I sat with my 4 month old puppy n...

Three February 16, 2018 4:35 am

Was anyone else single and alone on Valentine day?
I was I sat with my 4 month old puppy named Karma all day and ate chocolate ice cream and watch romance movies then get depressed because I'm forever alone with a few friend who all have boyfriends/girlfriends and every time I am with them I third wheel and feel awkward like today my friend invited me over and her and her boyfriend was all lovey dovey and I was just like oh nice wall the whole time then her 6 year old sister kidnapped me and I suddenly was a babysitter! She gave me candy though so I was like YAY lollipops! Then she put me on a trampoline and I was like NOOOO SUNLIGHT MY EYES THEY BURN!! I have HUGE pupils which makes my eye sensitive to light then get a headache. When we finally got back in my friend decided to ditch me and for the love of yaoi I don't know where she went. Finally made a accuse to leave by saying I have to walk my dog. At the end of the day I was like I really need a life and a boyfriend then I was like f**k it I have yaoi my dogs and cat I did alone with these frick my friend (︶︿︶)=凸 I had nothing to do so I decided to rant sorry ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Earth-chan February 16, 2018 4:40 am

    Yep. Couldn't wish for anything more.

    Anonymous February 16, 2018 4:44 am

    So was I! Is it really so bad to be single? You can eat all the chocolate ice cream you want and laugh at the misery of characters in the movie. No one will judge you for that.

    Don't worry too much about dating. You'll find your special one eventually, one way or the other. For now just focus on developing yourself - so you can be at your best when you finally meet him/her.
    Doesn't hurt to make friends, either - tbh I'd trade the love of my life for a friend that I can depend on my entire life. Of course it would be best to have 2in1 ;)

    Moni47 February 16, 2018 5:48 am

    Let's be friends! we can totally! chill together! msg me!

    Three February 16, 2018 3:12 pm
    Let's be friends! we can totally! chill together! msg me! Moni47
