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Looking for a manga...

Saphire February 16, 2018 2:38 pm

I'm looking for a yaoi manga that I read before.

While on a lunch break, MC fed a kid he met in the park with his bento the the kid's dad showed up and offered him a job as a nanny and house keeper.

The dad id a pilot and never really around so MC has to take care of the kid. The kid grows to like MC a lot and makes MC promise not to fall in love with his dad because whenever the other house keepers (all women) fell in love with his dad they had to leave.

Of course, MC fell in love with the dad and dad fell in love with MC too... you can guess how it unfolds from there.

Anyhoo, I really wanna see this manga again. Please help. ┗( T﹏T )┛
