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Ren February 17, 2018 11:58 pm

You don't Kiss in Greeting in the US..

You barely hug.. a hand shake is most common. So.. for it to be ok that the Roommate was kissing them.. is not ok to me. I have seen the "Greeting Kisses" Around Europe.. and you can tell its a greeting nothing more.

So.. I didn't like that part.

Other then that it was ok.

    Taphel March 10, 2018 9:02 pm

    Tell me about it! You'd think if they were trying to train in England to go pro they'd stop calling it soccer...
    (but hey, American translater I guess)
    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    But hey, Japan still has lots of stereotypes about foreigners. It's quite hilarious really, I love the gentleman image that the English have... until they come here and found out otherwise.
    The American kiss as a greeting thing is quite common in yaoi, guess it's just because you guys are far more affectionate in public than the Japanese are!

    Threekee March 23, 2018 2:42 am

    Im american and we rarely ever kiss on cheek or forehead or hug unless it is a really close friend or family

    コリー April 27, 2018 8:08 am
    Tell me about it! You'd think if they were trying to train in England to go pro they'd stop calling it soccer... (but hey, American translater I guess)(╯°Д °)╯╧╧But hey, Japan still has lots of stere... Taphel

    Maybe translator was just using the Japanese term of football which is サッカー (sakka). While the rest of the world complaining about the difference, I see no point XD

    Booty May 24, 2018 2:18 am

    in cali a hug is most common next to a handshake (at least in my area) but yeah kissing is fucking weird if you do it to a random stranger, your friends, or even a family member

    Katherine May 24, 2018 2:31 am
    in cali a hug is most common next to a handshake (at least in my area) but yeah kissing is fucking weird if you do it to a random stranger, your friends, or even a family member Booty

    As another person from Cali, I completely agree.

    Anonymous May 24, 2018 7:24 am

    Was the roommate actually American though? I don’t recall. But many cultures are very open about affectionate greetings even with strangers.

    SopDophie June 2, 2018 12:37 pm
    Was the roommate actually American though? I don’t recall. But many cultures are very open about affectionate greetings even with strangers. @Anonymous

    He said he's half american and half Japanese when they met at the airport.

    Taphel June 2, 2018 10:14 pm

    tbh I think it has something to do with the US being more of a open-faced culture when compared to other cultures like Japan, or here in the UK, where we're culturally more close-faced.
    To the best of my knowledge, this means that in places like the US, being friendly and talkative with strangers is seen as a polite thing to do, whilst in more closed-face cultures, keeping out of each others way and letting strangers get on with their day is seen as the most polite thing to do.

    It's probably due to this that you Americans can seem overly friendly and touchy, especially compared to Japan when you consider that and the fact that PDA are frowned upon there.
    Besides, Japan has a lot of stereotypes about other cultures (like we all do though tbh), it's still not extremely ethnically diverse there.