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I think rayflo real name is Lucifer or enlil One myth is that Belial is Satan and that he...

Trinity February 20, 2018 12:20 am

I think rayflo real name is Lucifer or enlil
One myth is that Belial is Satan and that he is the father of Lucifer and also the one who convinced him to fight against god. Belial is believed to be the Angel of lust and confusion or the a demon of darkness his name meaning one without a master. Enlil is the male Lilith. Lilith was Adams first wife. She fought with Adam to be equal and she left the garden. She is believed to be the mother of demons. After leaving the garden she had sex with the archangel Samuel who was the angel of death and poison who was often described as being a seducer and destroyer. It would be awesome if rayflo was the direct descendant of those two.
