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Sooooo...what's going on?

Morohtar February 20, 2018 9:00 pm

I'm a tad bit confused with the last story.
Are they still together and just temporarily seperated so Toda could study and whatnot? Or did something happen and they broke it off?
It's REALLY hard to tell to be honest. Not sure if the answer is written in the last notes (that didn't get translated).

I'd like to think the first option, but I have heavy doubts.

    Mama Fujoushi May 5, 2018 3:10 am

    I didn't get the separation, either. It didn't seem to make sense that they were separated. I didn't feel like that was explained well at all. And, like, did he got to a college far away or something? Why didn't they see each other at all for a year? If the student was so in love, I have a hard time believing he can just walk away for a year, then show back up like nothing's changed. That was weird to me. :/

    Morohtar May 7, 2018 12:10 am
    I didn't get the separation, either. It didn't seem to make sense that they were separated. I didn't feel like that was explained well at all. And, like, did he got to a college far away or something? Why didn'... Mama Fujoushi

    Exactly. Especially the just popping up again and acting like nothing happened bothered me. That kinda gave me the vibe that he was not as serious as the author previously made us believe (or tried to make us believe, rather).
    I'd say the author needs a bit more practice in that department.

    Peach November 3, 2019 10:49 pm
    Exactly. Especially the just popping up again and acting like nothing happened bothered me. That kinda gave me the vibe that he was not as serious as the author previously made us believe (or tried to make us b... Morohtar

    Wait wait waittt, you got it all wrong. The author did show it in a good way actually. Do you remember how Toda said I will work hard to make this relationship worth it, or along the lines of that, so he went off and studied very hard for a year (before that at school when they were still together, too) , became a respected politician and now returned to his lover, and they resumed their relationship.