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Huh o_o ... w-wait...w-w-WHAT. xD No,no it supposed to be the other way around where the 2...

Usamaro July 25, 2013 5:10 am

Huh o_o ... w-wait...w-w-WHAT. xD No,no it supposed to be the other way around where the 29 yr old guy be the Seme while the 18 yr old boy be Uke.xD *sigh* but then again The older guy was a cat person and sometimes those kind of people don't really got good experience. So I guess it was alright xD Great manga~ I like how he own's 6 stray's cats :3

    Red August 2, 2013 9:40 am

    That's stupid.
    Older ≠ Seme
    Cat person ≠ inexperienced

    Andysf January 23, 2014 11:00 pm

    Dude because they are older does not mean they are always on topa and just because hes a cat person does not mean he has little experience. One of my friends, hes dating a guy older then him but hes the top and my other friend has 5 fricken cats and the ladies love him. Ye know everything is not set in stone, its nice to have a twist now and then.

    Aruiji February 7, 2014 5:31 am

    being top and bottom is based on their behavior or experience