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it's a very good story :) I recommend it to people who wants to read yaoi that's not all ...

K July 25, 2013 8:16 am

it's a very good story :)
I recommend it to people who wants to read yaoi that's not all about sex. I like how true love was shown in the story and how both of them respect and care for each other. VERY GOOD Manga!!

    K July 25, 2013 8:19 am

    I read the manga in mangafox cuz I can't open some of the pages here. :) just saying cuz I want u to enjoy the story haha I was so upset cuz I have to go to another site -_-

    TheYLWord August 28, 2013 1:06 pm

    drastic times calls for drastic measures i do the same most of the time and some manga here are actually shared by manga fox so you should support both site cuz they are more or less the same XD