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The whistle though...

RealLifeDaria February 27, 2018 12:51 am

Was I the only one who died when Kousuke blows, what honestly looks like a dog whistle, and Kobayashi comes to haul Syuri away? Also, my heart hurts for Ryouya and Atsuma. Far too much was being asked of those two. Yes, both of them. People are too hard on Ryouya. My family life resembled Atsuma, and asking a (less-than-worldly) teenager (Ryouya), with most likely no experience with that kind of situation, to read between the lines and figure out the secrets is really unfair. It's easy to say you would have known what was going on and been able to help, but unless you're trained to interpret the signs, or have experienced them yourself, that would almost certainly not be the case.
P.S. Poor Sakuchi

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 9:59 am
