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Spoiler on the most recent chapter in korean... chap 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

한국 사람 February 27, 2018 5:29 pm

Spoiler on the most recent chapter in korean... chap 58


So, after the misunderstanding was cleared up... they lived together and were all super sweet and lovie dovie... so domestic and suuuuuper sweeet... but on chap 57 they broke up...sugar daddy had to go to new york, actually chap 57 was a cliffhanger, they were fighting and sugar baby is crying... we thought it was just that... but well chap 58 started with a confusion, sugar baby was living with someone else and i was shocked to see him on a bed with someone else! I was ready to drop the show! Apparently years have passed! From the end pf the chap 57 to 58! But anyway at the end of the chap daddy was back and mari came to visit sugar baby to let him know and now he’s conflicted... i konda wanted it to happen to, sugar baby needs to mature and understand how adult life works and all...but it sucks they had to part ways... I’ll update yah again if the next chap comes out, 안녕!

    Sam February 27, 2018 8:11 pm

    On the very first page, when i see the different house and the back of the naked man sleeping next to him, i already had a bad feeling (i'm not lying).
    I was like FUCK FUCK FUCK..... what the heck is going on? I feel betrayed.

    Koroleva February 27, 2018 9:55 pm

    Omg i was about to ask if anybody knows what's been going on in the last 2 chapters, so tyvm for explaining. I got one question tho. What exactly has been said in the arguement they had in chapter 57? I mean wouldn't they be able to make it work somehow, even if daddy had to leave? Like why were they fighting?

    Lulu February 27, 2018 10:40 pm

    OH MY GOD! I just saw the raws now too!! I think 4 years have passed... Gosh this breaks my heart bc literally chapter 50 they were to lovely dovey. Idk whats gonna happen but its probably more drama. I wonder if they still love eachother T.T. I hope they do, BUT I kind of want sugar daddy to fight for him!!!

    Anonymous February 27, 2018 11:13 pm

    i'm so upset ( ̄へ ̄)

    한국 사람 February 28, 2018 8:35 am
    i'm so upset ( ̄へ ̄) @Anonymous

    Spoiler on chap 58 lol

    I understand. I didn’t want to spill details on chap 58 much but since it’s disappointing for you I wanna clarify. At the beginning, it wasn’t really implied if they had sex with that guy he was sharing the bed with, his name was Mori. Their conversation was only about sugar baby telling the dude to wake up and when he did he said you should control yourself when u start drinking you don’t know when to stop. Later on sugar baby said the dude needs tp go because he’s gonna start working. Then the dude said ‘can I contact you?’ And sugar baby said, ‘I will do it.’ Then the dude went.

    So well they might have had sex but sugar baby was not naked? So they could have just drank together and fell asleep... so yeah,... it seems sugar baby is now a manager in that small restaurant...

    한국 사람 February 28, 2018 9:39 am
    Omg i was about to ask if anybody knows what's been going on in the last 2 chapters, so tyvm for explaining. I got one question tho. What exactly has been said in the arguement they had in chapter 57? I mean wo... Koroleva

    Daddy offered baby to go with him to New York because he will be based there. But baby is stil for me a bit childish. He didn’t like the idea and well he still has to go to military. It couldnhave ended up with them breaking up if he didn’t say something like there’s no sense in being in a long distance relationship etc...

    On chap 58 when Mari told baby that her brother is coming back in a week, baby was reminded of that night 4 years ago and in his mind he knew it was his fault. He regretted what he did and said. That because of that they parted ways and thag maybe daddy’s already forgotten him.

    Actually I’m just disappointed with this story. Right not it’s just dragging. But I guess it’s a way of showing how childish the sugar baby still is and that 4 years later, he’s probably matured already. Sorry english is not my first language.

    Nosebleed-chan February 28, 2018 11:10 am

    yeah i just saw the raws for ch 58 and literally had to google translate from ch 57 & 58 and i'm just so annoyed (and quite disappointed in junyoung). i don't see the point of their separation at CHAPTER FREAKING 58 and for 4 YEARS.....sure junyoung needs to time to mature but why can't he mature with the guidance of sihoon during those years instead?? this is like a kdrama all over tbh....very unnecessary angst

    Naomi February 28, 2018 1:26 pm
    yeah i just saw the raws for ch 58 and literally had to google translate from ch 57 & 58 and i'm just so annoyed (and quite disappointed in junyoung). i don't see the point of their separation at CHAPTER FR... Nosebleed-chan

    I'm with you. That was wtf? Only a chapter and they show this new drama. Hell no.

    Koroleva February 28, 2018 2:58 pm
    Daddy offered baby to go with him to New York because he will be based there. But baby is stil for me a bit childish. He didn’t like the idea and well he still has to go to military. It couldnhave ended up wi... @한국 사람

    Dw about your english, everything was understandable, and thanks again for explanation of what has happened in the last chapters.

    COCHAPACHA February 28, 2018 11:06 pm
    Spoiler on chap 58 lolI understand. I didn’t want to spill details on chap 58 much but since it’s disappointing for you I wanna clarify. At the beginning, it wasn’t really implied if they had sex with tha... @한국 사람

    I do not know Korean but I thought the same. It looked like the other guy wasn't his boyfriend or something (but looks alike Sugar Daddy tho)

    sara March 3, 2018 12:01 am

    Where did you find the raws? Can you please tell me?

    LilySaintCyr March 3, 2018 7:21 am
    Where did you find the raws? Can you please tell me? sara슈가대디는-과연-달콤할까

    Lint March 3, 2018 9:21 am
    yeah i just saw the raws for ch 58 and literally had to google translate from ch 57 & 58 and i'm just so annoyed (and quite disappointed in junyoung). i don't see the point of their separation at CHAPTER FR... Nosebleed-chan

    **spoiler discussion ahead**

    Agreed, it's so frustrating and it doesn't even make sense in the least! He could have followed his Sugar Daddy to the US and taken advantage of the variety of opportunities available there and still had been able to grow as a person. So he might be financially reliant on Shihoon for the time that they're there, but if he wanted he could have paid him back after getting a job etc. or even get a part time job in the US. At the very least don't break up, they can make a long distance relationship work. Maybe it's because Shihoon is his first real lover so he doesn't realize that he's potentially giving up the love of his life!

    And why four years? It seems like such a large time skip given that Shihoon is already in his late 30s. Won't he be in his 40s now? Booooo. I don't mind the age gap and I'm not saying he's old (he's still dead sexy I bet), but it seems like such a huge loss and wasted time for Shihoon. Ugh, I knew that there was still more obstacles ahead but I'm not a fan of the turn of events. I'll still read because I adore them as a couple, but I wish they had fought harder to be together.

    Lint March 3, 2018 9:45 am
    Daddy offered baby to go with him to New York because he will be based there. But baby is stil for me a bit childish. He didn’t like the idea and well he still has to go to military. It couldnhave ended up wi... @한국 사람

    Thanks so much for sharing the spoilers! Your English is perfectly fine by the way :D

    I'm glad to know that Junyoung at least regrets his decision. Seems so silly for them to have broken up given how they felt about one another! I know he was relatively younger than Shihoon so maybe he was naive in some aspects, but you gotta think that he must have cared enough for Shihoon to at least try a long distance relationship. At the same time, I wonder why Shihoon didn't fight harder for them to be together.

    TBH, I wonder why the artist took such an abrupt turn with their relationship. She should have built up their eventual break up a little bit better. I haven't been able to "read read" the raws, but all the chapters leading up to this seem pretty lovey-dovey. Their break up comes out of left field and doesn't feel organic.

    Ugh, let's see where she takes the story. I don't mind some angst or drama since it looks like we're heading in that direction before their eventual reconciliation. I just don't think it'll have quite the same emotional impact had we been able to at least witness some of the time period during the breakup.

    Anyway, thanks again for summarizing! Please don't take this as me ranting against you, I just had to vent my frustration a little.

    sitrixxii March 3, 2018 12:25 pm

    Link to the raws pleaaaase!

    LilySaintCyr March 3, 2018 1:21 pm
    sitrixxii March 5, 2018 4:00 pm
