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Video games that have made you cry

Buji February 27, 2018 11:08 pm

Not a manga question, but I wanted to know, what are some games that have made you cry?
A question by Whoop! made me think of this.
I personally can't recall many, but the one that made me cry the most is "To The Moon"
If anyone has not played it yet, I do highly recommend it, it can be played through in a few hours.
I have not played the sequel "Finding Paradise" yet, so I can't say anything about that yet.

And I recently (month or so ago) finished Danganronpa V3 and there was a segment that made me tear up, but not fully cry.

And...that's all that I can think of that have made me shed any tears. I think The Witch and the Hundred Knight was sad, but not cry worthy, just was very confused when I got the "True" ending (bad ending)

Anyways, what games have made you cry? Please put spoilers if going into detail

    seraph02 February 27, 2018 11:35 pm

    Persona 3 made me cry.

    sad boy February 27, 2018 11:45 pm

    I never cried because of a movie/game but I can recall some that i think it's sad which are: The last of us,Final Fantasy XV(my fav), Life is Strange, and idk I think that Resident Evil Code Veronica is very sad for me

    Buji February 27, 2018 11:57 pm
    I never cried because of a movie/game but I can recall some that i think it's sad which are: The last of us,Final Fantasy XV(my fav), Life is Strange, and idk I think that Resident Evil Code Veronica is very sa... sad boy

    I still need to play FFXV, but yeah I understand. Movies and games generally don't really make me emotional, anime on the other hand does.

    Anonymous February 28, 2018 12:29 am

    The ending of the first Kingdom Hearts game almost made me cry and I almost cried at the ending for Ever Oasis :(

    2Salty4This February 28, 2018 12:38 am

    Okami becuz it was an amazing game and i hated the thought that it was ending

    OfBeastAndBeauty February 28, 2018 12:41 am

    You might think it's weird, but there are some parts of Fire Emblem: Awakening that made me hella sad to the point of crying of frustration

    Mesperi February 28, 2018 12:44 am

    Tera because I leveled up too much and couldn't go back into the dungeon to get my armour and weapons reward because my teammats teleported out too fast and i didn't get a chance to collect it

    Okarisu February 28, 2018 2:50 am

    The most? Probably the Mass Effect series. ME3 in particular had me bawling. It won't effect you emotionally if you haven't played the previous two games, though.

    Alexia February 28, 2018 3:16 am

    Life is Strange. I decided to sacrifice Chloe for the town. I was brawling my eyes out, but I was hungry so I went to the kitchen and ate tortilla chips while crying.

    Buji February 28, 2018 3:51 pm
    Tera because I leveled up too much and couldn't go back into the dungeon to get my armour and weapons reward because my teammats teleported out too fast and i didn't get a chance to collect it Mesperi

    Haha, I know that feeling.
    I wonder if we played together, since I played when it came out in the US
    Can't remember the server I was on, but my name was Xnfe, the leader of the guild, "Lolicon"