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food for thought (caution: tl;dr)

ohimeruu February 28, 2018 12:18 am

i don't usually ship the "childhood friend turned lover" trope, but with this series, it just feels right to think that junhyuk would be the only one for hanmi.

i do like gun, and i have never felt anything other than respect for him and his loyalty to the people who matter the most to him, but he and hanmi are merely kindred souls. and i believe, not even romantically, because they're the only ones sharing a situation everyone else in the series can't comprehend: they both have "secret brothers". jua is as much of a "secret brother" to gun as junhyuk is to hanmi. hanmi even realizes this, that she "likes gun because he is like her". they share the idea that their respective brothers are "their worlds".

which is why it broke me, when hanmi said to junhyuk "don't go". i also felt heartbroken when jua said that gun should "let him go". hanmi and gun mirror each other, but i firmly believe that it doesn't mean they'll end up together. even though seonghwa said it so disconcertingly, blood really is thicker than water. JHHM is something i will stand by. gun and jua's mending relationship is something i will support.

on a less feelsy note: i'm glad that there is some LGBT representation in this series! i would really like to see how yueun and ginny progress in their relationship <3 also people can call me out on this but i'm a freak for liking the semi-incestuous vibe between gun and jua! (i mean, if we can ship junhyuk and hanmi who are first-degree cousins, what's stopping me from shipping brothers? mutual brocons are always beloved to me!!!!! //SHOT)

    ohimeruu February 28, 2018 4:28 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymous

    yasssss fam thanks!! glad to see fellow supporters

    Denzil March 10, 2018 11:08 am

    I don't ship the bros because I don't like Jua at all lmaooo

    ohimeruu March 10, 2018 5:24 pm
    I don't ship the bros because I don't like Jua at all lmaooo Denzil

    that's okay! it's not a ship for everyone HAHAHA and as a character he is quite difficult to stomach so it's understandable!

    Denzil March 10, 2018 10:07 pm
    that's okay! it's not a ship for everyone HAHAHA and as a character he is quite difficult to stomach so it's understandable! ohimeruu

    Also do you know why Jua kissed him??? That part confused me and they never even brought it up again so I was like wtf OK THEN haha.

    notyouraveragegirl March 11, 2018 12:10 am
    Also do you know why Jua kissed him??? That part confused me and they never even brought it up again so I was like wtf OK THEN haha. Denzil

    It's pretty clear he has not so brotherly feelings for his brother, don't you think? I think he was pretty isolated as a child and relied heavily on him (parents seemed to refer to him as more of a burden), and so those feelings became more than just brotherly love in the true sense.

    I also wonder if that was the first time that happened TBH. Gun and his attraction to Jun was kind of making me think about him and his past with Jua.

    When all is said and done, his feelings of curiosity have been transferred to someone he worships and wants to possess hence his anger towards him when he felt abandoned. It was a test of sorts to see if he was going react the way he wanted in that moment.

    ohimeruu March 11, 2018 1:36 am
    It's pretty clear he has not so brotherly feelings for his brother, don't you think? I think he was pretty isolated as a child and relied heavily on him (parents seemed to refer to him as more of a burden), an... notyouraveragegirl

    thanks for this! this is exactly how i feel about jua's feelings for gun tbh

    "Gun and his attraction to Jun", is this junhyuk? this line confused me wait- //flails

    but yes, i feel that the reason why there might be attraction on jua's side towards gun is because no one really treated him kindly except for his brother, so his views on romance are twisted. on the other hand, i think i can say that for everyone reading this manhwa, we're not so sure exactly the kind of loving feelings gun has for jua--whether they be purely brotherly (and in that sense, possibly bordering brocon levels), or they're actually tinged with a romantic undertone already

    either way, i'm shipping them ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ whether what they're feeling for each other is just brotherly love, or there's already a romantic subtext to their interactions, i will ship them like the trash i am LMAO

    notyouraveragegirl March 11, 2018 2:17 am
    thanks for this! this is exactly how i feel about jua's feelings for gun tbh"Gun and his attraction to Jun", is this junhyuk? this line confused me wait- //flailsbut yes, i feel that the reason why there might ... ohimeruu

    And that's where the author is dragging us down the path of hell. She makes the TWO IMHO most interesting ships the most ambiguous.

    I think Jua is gay without a doubt. I swear he admitted to as much when Hanmi visited him one time, but I've read so much lately my head is spinning to try to recall said convo, and I was wondering if his first boyfriend was going to be that guy that basically took over his life in high school.

    I don't think Gun is gay though as much as he has this connection with Jua that Hanmi has with Jun. He would do anything to see he's happy, and so where does he really draw that line?

    The first person to make him want to think about drawing it is Hanmi. Yet, he was almost willing to give her up and then quickly changed his mind, so he's a mess too. lol Could that be considered denial? Who knows, but if you read that Q&A, the author is again screwing with us hinting to it.

    I think Gun really does love Hanmi too in his own way as he wants something solid and meaningful, and she sees him as her out to a normal relationship. Then, she finds out his life is a mess, so now she's pushing him even before the kiss with Jun, and now she's really pushed him away because it was like a switch went off during that kiss IMHO. If she wanted him so badly, that kiss would've been what sent her back to say let's figure out what we have together not avoiding him completely.

    How long did it take for us to find out that Jun clearly has feelings of more than cousin love for Hanmi? I still feel they are each other's first loves, and now Jun can't seem to keep the deal they made because she says why now. Why would she say why now? Those words make me think it's not the first time.

    I think they made some deal in the past to end it when high school came around and find healthier, less dramatic (do they need more) relationships because clearly cousin love is a no-no in most societies, but then, we have Jun using Ginny (which IMHO Ginny was in love with Hanmi, but she figured out Hanmi had feelings for Jun and vice versa, so she started dating Jun. Then, she fell in love with Jun, but she knew deep down she was a substitute for him especially after he blew her off, so she grew very resentful).

    Ginny came back for revenge for that fact, and then, her worst fears came to light when she saw them almost kiss in public! lol IDK that Jun wasn't going to push that day to the point of no return because I think what he feels for Han makes him do things the completely in control Jun wouldn't normally do. I mean what kind of risk was he taking that day or the day he was dancing with her or even the actual kissing her in public? We don't see that guy around Hyeran.

    Hyeran also is another one who resents this situation, and i don't really trust her for one second. i think she is another Ginny waiting to start something as soon as she sees them move towards each other. Just look at the way she was so happy Hanmi had a boyfriend. I think she is fully aware of who Jun cheated on her with as well.

    I actually was getting so frustrated that I wrote a fan fiction piece for it. Of course, it doesn't have the amazing added pictures because my talent is not in that area, but it made me feel better and I gave some clarity to my own thoughts above with both ships. Sometimes that helps me when authors refuse to give answers and just kind of hem and haw about what is happening.

    Denzil March 11, 2018 3:02 am

    Thanks for all your thoughts guys, I understand a little better now. I appreciate it. Hopefully things start turning around for all the characters so they can all find happiness.

    ohimeruu March 11, 2018 4:01 am
    And that's where the author is dragging us down the path of hell. She makes the TWO IMHO most interesting ships the most ambiguous. I think Jua is gay without a doubt. I swear he admitted to as much when Han... notyouraveragegirl

    you went on different tangents here, but i'm happy you thought about everyone's individual situations so thoroughly! thank you for giving your own food for thought about the characters!

    Anonymous March 27, 2018 4:48 pm
    And that's where the author is dragging us down the path of hell. She makes the TWO IMHO most interesting ships the most ambiguous. I think Jua is gay without a doubt. I swear he admitted to as much when Han... notyouraveragegirl

    C-can you give us a link on that fanfic pls? (=・ω・=)