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!!Spoilers!! Chapter 57 Summary

Kiterunner95 March 1, 2018 3:21 am

Karam hugs Jaewon and says he missed him. Jaewon thinks its a dream to have Karam hugging him so tightly. Karam wishes Jaewon a happy birthday. They then sit down together on a park bench. Jaewon wonders what does the hug mean in context of wishing him a happy birthday. Karam asks how has he been. Jaewon sees Karam's face and looks away blushing. Karam laughs and says he just wants to talk to Jaewon. Jaewon points at his face and says he's having a lot of fun right now. Karam laughs again and says that's cute. Jaewon's surprised and doesn't know what he should do. Karam hands Jaewon a present and tells him to open it. It's a white hat and Jaewon decides to wear it. Karam tells him it's better not to because then he won't be able to see Jaewon's face. The whole time they are together, Jaewon and Karam are both blushing. Scene changes, and Jaewon is happily walking home at night with his presents. He sees a convenience store and remembers Yoonsung sent him a text wishing a happy birthday with the image of a cake. He buys a cake for Jaehee? He sees Junseo waiting for him as he's walking back. Junseo asks why he's out so late and then hands him a present. Jaewon's hands are full so Junseo takes it out and puts it on Jaewon's head. It's a black hat. Junseo says it looks good on him. Jaewon's surprised by that and Junseo tells him to look at himself with it on later. Junseo says later and walks off and Jaewon wonders if he just waited this whole time to just give him that hat.
