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!!Spoilers!! Chapter 58 Summary

Kiterunner95 March 1, 2018 3:18 am

Summer vacation ends, Jaewon is waiting at the bus stop. He went to bed late and missed the earlier bus. He remembers he confessed to Karam. He yawns. The bus arrives and he gets on, its really crowded. Yoonsung sees him from the back and beckons Jaewon to come over. Jaewon trips and Yoonsung grabs his hand telling him to be careful. Jaewon pulls his hand back and says thank you. Yoonsung says something? Jaewon wonders why its always like this and thinks himself an idiot. They walk into class together. Jaehee appears and he's really tanned. Jaewon is surprised since he wasn't like that only 2 days ago. Jaehee tells him he spent the last two days at the beach. Hana and Karam enter the classroom. Hana tells everyone to take their seats. Karam sees Jaewon and they say hi to each other. Jaewon says he can see Karam everyday now while looking down and blushing. Karam says that's good while looking away blushing. The teacher tells everyone to quiet down and says they will be changing seats. Jaewon is shocked since things are going so well between him and Karam now. He thinks it's unfair while laying down on his desk. He sees Karam doing the same. Karam says to Jaewon that he doesn't want to change seats. Jaewon flushes red when he hears that and says he doesn't want to either. They look at each other like this while lying on their desks and Jaewon hopes that time has stopped. Yoonsung looks at them with a bit of a frustrated? impatient? miffed?
expression. He wonders if they have kissed yet? and thinks that would be foul play? idk. Jaehee sees them and asks Yoonsung why they are facing each other. Yoonsung tells him its a staring contest.
